Come Follow Me...
For 2000 years Jesus has had encounters with ordinary people and offered this simple invitation, "come follow me." Those who have said yes to Jesus have had their lives radically changed by Him. McCook Christian Church is a gathering of those same kind of ordinary people who are encountering Jesus together, living in loving authentic community where we can learn and grow. We are excited to join Him on His mission bringing goodness, healing, and hope everywhere we go. The invitation is for you too. We'd love to meet you at one of our Sunday Gatherings.
Latest Message
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At McCook Christian Church, our Children's and Student Ministries work hard to partner with parents to provide resources, teaching, and small groups to show kids who Jesus is and how He is a part of our everyday lives. There is no doubt that youth today face unique challenges, and we aim to create an environment that is responsive to those challenges as we seek to follow Jesus together.
McCook Christian Church is located at 507 West B Street in McCook, Nebraska with weekly gatherings on Sunday at 9 and 10:30am. Age-appropriate child programming for students in grades Pre-K through 3rd grade and nursery is available during both gatherings. 4th Grade through Jr. High programming is available during the 9:00 gathering. McCook Christian Church offers multiple ways to get connected during the week.
Gathering Times
Sunday Mornings at McCook Christian Church
507 West B Street
McCook, NE 69001
9:00am & 10:30am
Wednesday Youth Evenings at McCook Christian Church
K-5th grade: 6:15pm-7:15pm
6-8th grade: 6:15-7:30pm
9-12th grade: 7:15-8:30pm
6-8th grade: 6:15-7:30pm
9-12th grade: 7:15-8:30pm